Subject Verb Agreement with Some

As a copy editor, it is important to understand the rules for subject-verb agreement in order to produce high-quality content that is both grammatically correct and optimized for search engines. One area where many writers struggle with subject-verb agreement is when using the word “some.”

When using “some” as a subject, it is important to consider whether it is being used as a singular or plural noun. If “some” refers to a singular noun, it should be treated as such and paired with a singular verb. For example:

– Some of the cake is missing. (“Cake” is singular, so “is” is the correct verb.)

However, if “some” refers to a plural noun, it should be treated as such and paired with a plural verb. For example:

– Some of the students are absent. (“Students” is plural, so “are” is the correct verb.)

It is also important to consider the context of the sentence. In some cases, the noun following “some” may be singular or plural, but the intended meaning may still require a specific verb agreement. For example:

– Some of the data was lost. (“Data” is a singular noun, but in this context, “was” is the correct verb agreement.)

– Some of the people in the group are experts. (“People” is plural, so “are” is the correct verb agreement.)

In addition to subject-verb agreement, it is important to pay attention to other grammatical elements in order to optimize your content for search engines. This includes using keywords effectively, using subheadings and bullet points, and ensuring that your content is easy to read and understand.

In conclusion, understanding subject-verb agreement with “some” is crucial for producing high-quality content that is both grammatically correct and optimized for search engines. By paying attention to context and using appropriate verb agreements, you can ensure that your content is clear, concise, and effective.